Delicious cupcakes! This was originally a cake recipe but in my experience the result is much better in cupcake form: Cupcakes are easier to bake and easier to serve. Bonus points: the kids love them!

Delicious cupcakes! This was originally a cake recipe but in my experience the result is much better in cupcake form: Cupcakes are easier to bake and easier to serve. Bonus points: the kids love them!
After numerus experiments and combinations based on several recipes I found online, I think I have finally come up the perfect recipy for home-made waffles: nice and fluffy, not too sweet but full of flavor.
After popular demand, here is our recipe for a traditional greek pie (with feta cheese and/or spinach). This specific variation was “perfected” by my wife and it is easy to follow because it uses ready-made puff dough. The success of the recipe is linked to the quality of the dough. This is why our mothers’ […]